Frequently Asked Questions
Market Sector Employer of Choice® Recognition Award Programs
There are 3 Stages:
- Application submission
- Company Profile – Leadership Fundamentals and HR Inventory
- Employee Commitment Survey
Companies must have a minimum survey participation rate based on the number of full time employees. Please see following chart:
Number of Full Time Employees | Number of Full Time Employees |
10 - 25 | 100% |
25 – 100 | 80% |
101 - 500 | 70% |
501 – 1000 | 60% |
1001+ | 55% |
The award score is determined by your overall survey score. To achieve an EOC award, you must have a minimum overall score of 75% on the Employee Commitment Survey.
Standard Summary Reports and Industry Benchmark Reports are available for a nominal fee. The Standard Report provides breakdowns on the overall score, category scores and individual statement scores. The Benchmark Report will provide all the Standard Report data plus comparisons between your company and the overall group scores. The benchmark analysis is especially useful for developing a more engaged work culture and determining how your organization ranks in comparison to your competitors.
You receive recognition at a major industry event along with a trophy or framed certificate. A list of award winners will appear in a special addition of a leading industry publication as well as on the CCEOC website under the specified market sector. CCEOC also drafts a press release that the award winner can use for their own communication purposes. All winners will receive a hi-rez image of the award logo for printing and publishing purposes. Customer merchandise and promotional items are available at the EOC Recognition Store.
Contact us for some great ideas.
Yes! CCEOC has a variety of tools and services available to help your organization improve your corporate culture and increase your Employer of Choice scores on future assessments. Go to the Products & Services page to learn more.
Contact Center Employer of Choice® Certification
The CCEOC certification program certifies and brands contact centers as employers of choice. A proprietary 2 phased evaluation is used to assess current operations. A detailed summary report is produced and is an excellent tool to help you pinpoint specific areas for improvement. The results of the assessment determine if your contact center meets the minimum standards to qualify as a Contact Center Employer of Choice™.
There are 4 levels of certification: Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. Once standards are met, your center is officially recognized and presented with the prestigious Contact Center Employer of Choice® certificate. You are then listed in the CCEOC Registry and a press release is sent to targeted media.
You may also want to tap into our roster of industry experts who will work closely to help you achieve and maintain your Contact Center Employer of Choice® status.
Contact centers seeking to brand themselves as a Contact Center Employer of Choice™ need to assess their operations separately from the rest of the organization for a number of reasons:
- Their distinctive and self-contained environment
- The unique demands placed upon their staff
- Their methods of operation
- External pressures
- Specialized needs and concerns of the employees
- Rigid scheduling requirements
Contact Centers often develop their own subculture that can be different from that of the corporation. They have their own language, performance measures, dress code, hierarchical structure and social network. It is possible that employer of choice companies are not operating employer of choice contact centers. The reverse can also be true. In addition, corporate surveys don't always provide the complete picture. This makes it even more important to conduct separate, third party assessments.
Contact Center Employers of Choice® are recognized for their commitment to excellence.
Being branded as an Employer of Choice® satisfies 4 key challenges facing contact centers today:
- Motivating and engaging staff
- Elevating the status of your operation
- Attracting great candidates
- Retaining and engaging great employees
Contact centers that achieve and promote a CCEOC status will reap the same rewards enjoyed by preferred employers around the world.
- Better quality of candidates
- Top employee retention
- Reduced recruiting & training costs
- Lower health benefits costs
- Improved employee morale
- Improved team performance
- Improved customer service
- A common purpose culture
- Positive employment branding